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Spain in the World March 30th 2013 Edition

Zamora (Spain). Photograph: Daniel Ochoa de Olza/ AP
Holy week in Spain and all over the Catholic World. Week of Death and Resurrection.
Processions all around Spain this Holy Week. The New York Times says is not austerity for the Spaniards this week while thousands of Euros are spent this holidays.
New victory of "La Roja" against France this week, it makes the classification depending only of what Spanish Team made in the following matches for next World Cup.
Edward Hugh makes a deep analysis about Spanish Pensions System. Will it last with the actual level of unemployment? Now that the actual government is taking all the "savings" to pay the actual bill of Social Welfare, will Spain be able to recover? Charts and Graphics in pictures section.
All of this and more in a new edition of Spain in the World.

Will this be the new bank for all Europeans?

Spain in the World March 23rd 2013 Edition

Photograph: Rafa Rivas/AFP/Getty Images
A new Edition of Spain in the World, this week with football as main subject in the Guardian.

Spanish national team has a complicated match after draw against Finland last match. The next match against France will tell us if we will play the next World Cup.

A new European Law wants to finish with all the public funds to Spanish football teams. Some Spaniards team are in bankrupt with high debts to the Spanish government in a time where the people is losing their houses and the unemployment is around a 26%. It is time for some teams to clear up their debts or disappear if necessary. The total debt is up to €692m all together.

The New York Times highlights; Flamenco survives thanks to foreign people, from London to Japan thousands of students go every year to study Flamenco to Spain. Do not miss Paco de Lucía´s video of an art unique in the world!

Finally a couple of questions:
From the Economist, why Spain´s left is in a funk?
From El País a farewell to the Parot doctrine, devised to keep ETA terrorist in jail?

All of this and more in a new edition of Spain in the World

Spain in the World March 16th 2013 Edition

Carlos Lujan for the International Herald Tribune
A new Edition of Spain in the World, maybe this week a little late than usual as I was in Spain.
The New York Times talks about a newspaper in Spain. BUENAS NOTICIAS (Good news). A project from  students of an university in Spain where they want to show just good news in a time where the pessimism is everywhere in Spain.
And the Wall Street Journal talks about the end of Iberia workers.
The Times main subject about Spain is Inditex. The company is growing in Asia and all over the world, who did say Spaniards can do things right?
All of this and more in a new edition of Spain in the World

Spain in the World March 9th 2013 Edition

Mediterranean diet - Photograph: Albert Olive/EPA
A new edition of Spain in the World. This week I highlight the next, despite the recession and the unemployment, Spaniards have the highest healthy life expectancy in Europe. Mediterranean diet and one of the best healthcare systems in the world seem to be main reasons in this success The Guardian says.
In times where unemployment rates are the highest since Franco, two news about  about Spanish companies. The Economist talks about the pain in Spain while its mayor companies are growing up in foreign markets and The Guardian talks about Mondragón. In times where the big multinationals seems to occupy all the markets a cooperative company is the seventh industrial biggest group in Spain. Based in the basque country Mondragón is an example of how the workers can be their own bosses and work for themselves.
And to finish the following questions:
- Will it be Spain the next Germany? The Economist
- Is it time for a change in Spanish monarchy? The Guardian.

All of this and more in a new edition of Spain in the World

Spain in the World March 3rd 2013 Edition

Spaniards say not to budget cuts but is it more debt what really Spain needs?
Photograph: Marcelo Del Pozo/Reuters
This week more pain in Spain. The Economist talks about Spanish bank crisis. Bad bank debts creation is a good idea it says, but patient has to be a plus, recovery needs time. SAREB, bad bank, has already received €52 billion of dub property loans and other assets.
The Irish Times talks about one of those banks, BANKIA what it has reported €21billion loss. Bankia stocks have gone down in less than two years to a worth of 9% of original price €3.75.
The Guardian talks about recession. The GPD keeps falling and unemployment rising in a country that it seems don´t see the light at the end of the tunnel.
All of this and more in a new edition of Spain in the World

From The Times