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In a couple of days it will be elections in the country I come from, where I was born; I grew up, where the most of my family and friends live. I have learned, laughed, loved with them and although I love them a lot, I share too many things with them and they know me very well (sometimes better than myself). I don’t want they represent me.

Right now there it is the big election fight, around a hundred of parties want to be elected. Parties from the right and the left, national and independent parties, catholic and atheistic parties, I’m sure with all of them I share more than one idea, but they exclude all my other ideas, it is that why I don’t want they represent me.

This election, the same than the last one I don’t go to vote. The last election I went to the embassy trying to get my right to vote. I sent them an email, trying to get any information, but I was late. The last day to make the paper work it was the day they answer my email. The embassy is closed on weekends (plus evenings, Spanish bank holidays, Irish bank holidays and for sure any other international bank holiday), then it was nothing I could do. In this election as I was working from Monday to Friday I didn’t try it. I wanted to vote because it is the only right I have to say what I think although I don’t want they represent me.

After the election the party (or group of parties) chosen by the most will determine what is the best for the country interests and what no, what the children have to study in the school and what no, who can get marry and who no, what you can do in your own business and what no, what I can buy and what no, that they use my taxes for and that no and if we allow them they will tell us who I have to pray and who no, and they will never ask me again if it is that what I want to do even the most of the times doing something different they promised before without any responsibility, it is that because I don’t want they represent me.

I am ready to make the next step in Democracy, I have a computer, Internet connexion, an ID with chip, a personal certificated in my browser that allow me identify myself as me in any place in the world and with that I can vote what I want and I don’t because I don’t want they represent me anymore.

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