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Spain in the World June 8th 2013 Edition

International Brigades fighters in Spain. Photograph courtesy of Benny Goldman
Spain is still trying to forget its own history, and maybe what is worst, it is trying to delete the history. While other countries are proud or not about their own history and they have museums to their own disasters or "shames". Forget history is forget who we are and why we are here, forget history means to forget why Spanish is after Mandarin the most important mother-tongue in the world, is forget why we lost that empire, which are our roots, why do we finished fighting in civil wars in the last 200 years because it was not only one. The Guardian talks about this.

Unemployment rate goes down but they are only temporary works the New York Times says.

Is this the end of the recession or still we have to wait?
All of this and more in a new edition of Spain in the World

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