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Spain in the World January 12Th 2013 Edition

This week, The mayor of Bilbao, Iñaki Azkuna, has been named World Mayor of the Year 2012 from the Guardian, all about global houses prices from the Economist, the Newest Political Party from the New York Times, Unemployment in Europe, and you can't miss how some monks in California reconstruct a Spanish monastery. All this and more in a new edition of
Spain in the World

2 comentarios:

Javier Fernandez dijo...

No hay version española????
Estas dejando de lado a tus lectores españoles???
O es que se te ha olvidado el español???

hecorman dijo...

La verdad es que no lo escribo yo, sólo recojo noticias sobre España, o sea que va dedicado al público en España!!!