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Spain in the World May 18th 2013 Edition

The New York Times says "as thieves troll Spanish Farmlad, villagers begin patrols", and my question is; Shouldn´t the government be trying to make Spain a safer place instead of cutting money of the services that it should provide its citizens? It looks like the citizens have to keep an eye in their properties because their taxes aren´t enough to pay the police to do that job anymore.
One big new this week it was to see the first banker go to jail, he was free the following day. All problems with Spanish banks were provoked by "Cajas de Ahorro" credit entities managed by politicians or their friends. Will we see any justice in Spain? Or will it go everything "bajo la alfombra" under the carpet?
Two weeks ago I was in Brussels in a Citizens Dialogue with Viviane Reding. I have add the video to show which kind of dialogue is Europe offering to their citizens...

All of this and more in a new edition of Spain in the World

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